{# Sets a default value if not defined by the `query` input field below #}
{% set query = query ?? '' %}
{# Replaces only the `#results` div on keyup or when the value is changed #}
<input sprig s-trigger="keyup changed" s-replace="#results"
type="text" name="query" value="{{ query }}" placeholder="Search">
<div id="results">
{% if query %}
{% set entries = craft.entries.search(query).all() %}
{% if entries|length %}
{% for entry in entries %}
<li><a href="{{ entry.url }}">{{ entry.title }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
No results
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% set offset = offset ?? 0 %}
{% set entries = craft.entries.offset(offset).limit(limit).all() %}
{% for entry in entries %}
<h6>{{ entry.title }}</h6>
{% endfor %}
{% if entries %}
{# Increments `offset` by the value of `limit` and swaps itself out on click #}
<button sprig s-val:offset="{{ offset + limit }}"
s-target="this" s-swap="outerHTML">
Load another
{% endif %}